Outdoor Gear Lab: Best Backpacking Gear of 2023
We've taken the time to list all of our favorite backpacking gear in one place. This dream list has options for any type of trail treader. Whether you love to go fast with the lightest backpacking gear or are just curious as to what items our testers have labeled the best hiking gear, we've got options. We also consider the best value options to help you save money. Links are provided to each review category, as well as more info on any recommended product.
Most Loved Quick Snack
When we think of energy bars, we most often conjure up an image of a rectangular cube of dense, chewy "food" that is not easily identifiable and a taste that is anything but "natural." But it doesn't have to be that way!
Read the full review here.
Check out the full 2023 backpacking list here.
Shop Honey Stinger Waffles here!