Outside: We Put 25 Energy Bars to a Taste Test. Here Are the Best Ones

Outside's Ranked Best Energy Bars featuring Honey Stinger Nut + Seed

A relative newbie, the Honey Stinger Nut and Seed Bar is coming in hot. With a combination of seeds, nuts, a layer of caramel, and a nougaty nut butter center, this energy bar seems like a candy bar without artificial ingredients. We’d reach for this bar again and again for all outdoor endeavors, at any time of year. Unlike many bars that are high in protein but have a chalky texture or artificial taste, this bar manages to pack in 14 grams of protein and still be delicious.

Read the full review here.

Shop Nut + Seed Bars here!

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Peanut Butter Energy Waffles

Shop our NEW Peanut Butter Energy Waffles - Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Chocolate, and Peanut Butter Strawberry.